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Wildlife at Iremia

Nic Perry

Since being at Iremia we have tried hard in the garden to encourage more wildlife.

We have planted many plants and trees, put in two large bird baths and created habitats all to encourage wildlife to the garden.

We have already noticed a significant increase in insect, bird and lizard populations. We have regular visits from mammals. A badger has been standing in and drinking from the bird baths as to have jackals. Wild boar are regular visits to the lower olive grove where we put windfall fruit such as figs for them. Wood mice have also been spotted.

We have a resident stone martin who is pretty destructive bur regularly seen rooting round the garden. There are numerous bats at night time.

The water bowls we put out for the bees are well used and also has stopped them coming to the swimming pool as much.

Sparrows, jays, blackbirds, collared doves, robins and redstarts have all been seen bathing and drinking from the bird baths. We have many swifts and swallows circling the garden in the mornings and evenings. Green finches, strikes and black caps are also seen regularly now. Rarer visitors have been golden oriel, bee eaters, falcons, little owls, brown eagles and buzzards to name just a few.

We have had a tortoise in the garden as well as various frogs, toads, snakes and lizards.

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